
Shakesperean Sonnet

For I have sworn and vowed to be with you Oh, you shine like stars, walking down the aisle The fine white couture dress wraps around you My love, it was worth waiting for a while The smiles on their lips, sounds of hands clapping We shared a sweet kiss, I can't leave the scene Blithe, such a blissful day full of loving Blood rushed into me like I'm still a teen I can't bear hearing your cries, it aches me I, sworn to stay even at dark midnights For I will always lave all the debris Keeping you here with me, our love ignites Met at sixteen, said three words, my heart beats Let's run away, efface all the maurice

Free Verse Poem

The human body collapses as its soul crushes Famished, devouring the speeches from the empty minds—starved These words consume me, every piece runs through my veins, I can feel it burning Wearied from portraying delightful personas in a daily, I couldn't even heave a sigh Too many smiles, raised my chin up high Running out of fumes, still chose to release a chuckle—but cried These are masks that I wear everyday, switching faces from time to time, even on the same day, and the same place Wrath, misery, regret, and agony shaped my heart My heart cracked into smaller pieces as I watch everything fall into worse But I am an actor, the world is my stage I'm here to make you laugh, to make you feel the warmth and sunshine that you have never been Endeavouring: to do something in order to achieve what you want, Fulfillment is what I seek, yet I was unable to find the bliss I had been yearning for with my eyes The show will start in 5 seconds Five, I have to fake a grin even though my

Prose Poetry

  I sometimes wonder whether your embrace, warmth, and solace are all genuine. I don't think that will ever work for me, the way we had to split up just to find our own happiness. Will you still seek for me in the places where you feel helpless? Everything we've done has did make me feel like this isn't real—that we weren't true. The smaller details we got to share: us holding hands while running on the sidewalks at 2 am. Mesmerized by the stars and the black clouds that gradually turn azure as the sun appears. When I wake up next to you in the morning, I miss the sensation that you're the only thing I see and all I need is you. All of this, yet we are now adrift, trying to fill the voids even if we can't. What went wrong? Even if you urged me to, I can't bring myself to hate you. Why do I usually lay awake rather than sleep? It was you racing through my mind visualizing scenarios we couldn't do anymore. I tried everything, but it was your love that fade


Bagsak ng takipsilim Ikaw ang hihintayin Araw man ay dumilim


  She, sheer picturesque Grandeur lass, poise, finesse, flair Girl in the mirror