Free Verse Poem

The human body collapses as its soul crushes

Famished, devouring the speeches from the empty minds—starved

These words consume me, every piece runs through my veins, I can feel it burning

Wearied from portraying delightful personas in a daily, I couldn't even heave a sigh

Too many smiles, raised my chin up high

Running out of fumes, still chose to release a chuckle—but cried

These are masks that I wear everyday, switching faces from time to time, even on the same day, and the same place

Wrath, misery, regret, and agony shaped my heart

My heart cracked into smaller pieces as I watch everything fall into worse

But I am an actor, the world is my stage

I'm here to make you laugh, to make you feel the warmth and sunshine that you have never been

Endeavouring: to do something in order to achieve what you want,

Fulfillment is what I seek, yet I was unable to find the bliss I had been yearning for with my eyes

The show will start in 5 seconds

Five, I have to fake a grin even though my parched lips are bleeding and my eyes are welling up with tears with five seconds left before the show starts

Four, the crowds are here examining me from head to toe

Three, despite the fact that they are looking at me from head to toe, do they not see that my eyes hurt? Where there are no more sparks? 

Two, hearing hostile sentiments from the crowd

Oh, how far away I am from everyone, but I could hear you talking about me

One, one person, hundreds of masks

I'm in no position to express how my heart feels, how heavy the weight is over my shoulders

Everything else is pointless, even me and the soul I'm taking care of

I yearn for love and happiness from the people I brighten

But, these are the same ones that would destroy my flame

The little ray of light I had would be diluted by tear-jerking comments I would hear

The show must go on; be professional, let yourself cheer

Do your best for the people, my love

Hold your head up and smile

Do not cry or frown

Give weaklings a chance to try

Laugh till your cheeks bleed from lifting it up all day and night

Smiling endlessly till your eyes turn black and crimson

Despite hearing how useless you are, try to smile anyhow

You have a show to put on, so put on a happy front

But I'm a human, not an actress

Not a person with hundreds of masks
